DIY Music controlled pumpkin

Here’s a simple and easy Halloween project. It is based off of a single ended transistor audio amplifier. The transistor amplifies the audio voltage to one that can light up an LED. The volume should be turned up all the way to get best performance. Since audio singles are hardly any strong. If you want …

Voice Recognition plugin for hexchat

This plugin uses the linux say command to say chat messages, lets you know when some joins or quits, etc.. It requires the gnustep-gui-runtime and python To install the gnustep runtime you can type this in on ubuntu: then you can test to see if the say command works by typing Then if that works …

Collection of Oregano’s Model files

Here you will find a archive of lots of components that were left out of the app but were hard to find it in a zip file of all of them. So now you can download the whole tar file off of Google Drive or pick and choose the ones you want from the preview. …

LiveBackup – live linux backup tool

This tiny shell script will allow you to backup the settings and programs from a live linux session to two .tar files. Here’s a list of the tar files and what they do. config/data.tar – Configuration and settings files. (/var and /usr directories) if any of the files in data.tar exists it will be overwritten. …

Powering a Scanner from a power supply and battery pack at the same time

I had a 6vdc power supply laying around and John Zogg(my friend) wanted to power his scanner from both batteries and power supply. The power supply didn’t have the correct connector. So what could I possibly do to safely run it off of the batteries and power supply at the same time? So I got …

DIY Resistor Decade Box

This is a simple yet effective resistor decade box. The resistors are connected in parallel with the SPDT/SPST switches. The resistance is the sum of all switches opened(NOT CLOSED!). When resistors are in series the resistances add up. $$Rt=R1+R2+R3$$ And when they are in parallel the total resistance decreases: $$Rt=\frac{1}{\frac{1}{R1}+\frac{1}{R2}+\frac{1}{R3}}$$ Rt is the total resistance …

jsAllElectronics – Javascript Parts Ordering Script

I wanted a solution for making my visitors easier for them to order parts to build my projects. This code comes from the “Order By Part#” Page. Heres an example of how to use it: Heres the source code of the utility: Real Example

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