This tool is a great tool for programmers to have. It extracts icons
from DLL and EXE files. So then you dont have to go on the internet and
search for a icon for your program.
Usage: exticons.exe file_with_icons save_folder
It even extract icons from Windows 10 System files,where resource hacker doesn’t detect!program exticons; {$RESOURCE EXTIcons32.res} {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, windows, graphics, shellapi, Classes; var ico:ticon; hico:hicon; i:integer; label done; begin if paramcount<>2 then begin writeln('Usage: ',ExtractFileName(paramstr(0)),' file_with_icons save_folder'); exitprocess(0); end; ico:=ticon.Create; createdirectory(pchar(Paramstr(2)),nil); for i:= 0 to ExtractIcon(hinstance,pchar(paramstr(1)),UInt(-1))-1 do begin hico:=extracticon(hinstance,pchar(Paramstr(1)),i); if (hico=1)or(hico=0) then goto done; ico.Handle:=hico; ico.SaveToFile(paramstr(2)+'\'+inttohex(i,8)+'.ico'); destroyicon(hico); end; done: ico.Free; writeln('Saved ',i,' icons'); end.