jsTraffup v1.1 by delphijustin
Website: delphijustin.biz
E-mail: admin@delphijustin.biz
What is this?
This is a script file used to tell traffup users how to revisit your Website. It has 3 modes:
JSTUP_MODE_HTML This puts a widget on to the page if it was referred by traffup, this is the recommended mode
JSTUP_MODE_POPUP Show a popup alert messagebox when a traffup users leaves the page(This doesn’t work on all browsers).
JSTUP_MODE_DISABLD This mode disables the script all together.
Function Parameters:
Mode: The Mode
Debug: For debugging jsTraffup, it should be false on a public page.
Left: Left position in pixels.
Right: Right position in pixels.
Version: This is for future versions; you should still use it, just set it to 1.1
The example code below shows you how to use it:<script type="text/javascript" src="jsTraffup.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> initTraffup({Mode: JSTUP_MODE_HTML, Debug: false, Left: "0px", Top: "0px", Version: 1.1}); </script>
jsTraffup.js file
/* jsTraffup v1,1 By delphijustin Not created by traffup */ const JSTUP_MODE_HTML=1;//This mode makes it write to the document instead of popup. const JSTUP_MODE_DISABLED=0; const JSTUP_MODE_POPUP=2; const JSTUP_CURRENT_VERSION=1.1; var JSTUP_CURRENT_CONFIG=0; function initTraffup(config){ if(config.OverrideUnload){ document.onunload=CallTraffup; } JSTUP_CURRENT_CONFIG=config; switch(config.Mode){ case JSTUP_MODE_HTML: CallTraffup(); break; case JSTUP_MODE_POPUP: if((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")>-1)||(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome")>-1)){JSTUP_CURRENT_CONFIG.Mode=JSTUP_MODE_HTML;return CallTraffup();} window.onbeforeunload=CallTraffup; break; } } function CallTraffup(){ var S="To visit this site again goto "+location.href; if(JSTUP_CURRENT_CONFIG.Debug||isTraffup(document.referrer)){ switch(JSTUP_CURRENT_CONFIG.Mode){ case JSTUP_MODE_HTML: document.writeln( '<DIV ID="jsTraffupDIV" STYLE="position:fixed; top:'+JSTUP_CURRENT_CONFIG.Top+'; left:'+JSTUP_CURRENT_CONFIG.Left+';"><TEXTAREA ROWS="1" COLS="'+S.length+'">'+ S+'</TEXTAREA><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="X" ONCLICK="CloseTraffup()"></DIV>'); break; case JSTUP_MODE_POPUP: return S; break; } } } function CloseTraffup(){ document.getElementById("jsTraffupDIV").innerHTML=""; } function isTraffup(url){ var s=url.toLowerCase(); return s.indexOf('traffup.net/')>-1; }