Chat channel: #hangman
IRC Server: Port: 6667
Chat channel: #hangman
IRC Server: Port: 6667
This tool allows you to easily end a non-responsive program. Or a whole truckload of them running at once. This tool works by specifying anything that should be contained in window text and/or classname. You can specify the /NR switch to only kill not responding programs. It’s just like Linux’s xkill command.
Here’s a simple and easy Halloween project. It is based off of a single ended transistor audio amplifier. The transistor amplifies the audio voltage to one that can light up an LED. The volume should be turned up all the way to get best performance. Since audio singles are hardly any strong. If you want the music to be quieter than what is playing it should use computer speakers with a volume control. I recommend for the cord that has the sound transferring to the project is a 3.5mm male to RCA connectors. This is because of the thickness of the wires. They have to use thick wires with RCA connectors. One RCA jack goes to capacitor of the circuit and the other to a computer speaker.I brought tiny parking LED lights
This light-weight Electronics Engineering Calculator app is pretty neat and good. It works on many platforms such as Android, Linux, and Windows. The app contains every calculator found on the calculator page on this site. The android version is not on google play yet, and I don’t know if it ever will. You can download the apk file and open it up on your Android File Manager. The file manager on my phone was called “Downloads”. Also, did I mention EECalc is open source written for Delphi or FreePascal?
Program eecalc; //Android apk package com.delphieecalc Uses sysutils,classes,math; {$DEFINE Android}//Define that the os is android. {$IFDEF Android} const data_dir='/storage/emulated/0/eecalc.dir'; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF Android} const data_dir='eecalc.dir'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF Windows} //dont forget to compile it as a console app. use $APPTYPE Compiler Directive. const dir_char='\'; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF Windows} const dir_char='/'; {$ENDIF} Type TEECommand = Record proc: tprocedure; help: string; percentage: extended; End; PEECommand = ^TEECommand; TMetricExponent = -12..12; Const number_fmt = '#,###.000'; Var command: string; commands: tstringlist; cmd: peecommand; Function getNumber(msg:String;Var y:extended): boolean; Var s: string; expo: tmetricexponent; noExpo: boolean; Begin s := ''; noExpo := false; write(msg,':'); readln(s); s := trim(s); expo := 0; If length(s)>0 Then Case s[length(s)] Of 'p','P': expo := -12; 'n','N': expo := -9; 'u','U': expo := -6; 'm': expo := -3; 'k','K': expo := 3; 'M': expo := 6; 'g','G': expo := 9; 't','T': expo := 12; Else noexpo := true; End; If Not noexpo Then delete(s,length(s),1); y := strtofloatdef(trim(s),0)*power(10,expo); getNumber := (y=0); End; Procedure displayNumber(name:String;x:extended); Var y: string; C: char; expo: tmetricexponent; Begin expo := -12; If x>=power(10,-9)Then expo := -9; If x>=power(10,-6)Then expo := -6; If x>=power(10,-3)Then expo := -3; If x>=1 Then expo := 0; If x>=power(10,3)Then expo := 3; If x>=power(10,6)Then expo := 6; If x>=power(10,9)Then expo := 9; If x>=power(10,12)Then expo := 12; Case expo Of -12: C := 'p'; -9: c := 'n'; -6: c := 'u'; -3: c := 'm'; 0: c := ' '; 3: c := 'k'; 6: c := 'M'; 9: c := 'G'; 12: c := 'T'; End; writeln(name,':',formatfloat(number_fmt,x/power(10,expo)),c); End; Function divide(n,d:extended): extended; Begin divide := 0; If d=0 Then Begin writeln(' Divide by 0 error'); exit; End; divide := n/d; End; Function CommandPercentage(s1,s2:String): extended; Var i: integer; Begin commandpercentage := 0; For i :=1 To min(length(s1),length(s2)) Do If lowercase(s1[i])=lowercase(s2[i]) Then commandpercentage := commandpercentage+1; commandpercentage := (commandpercentage/length(s2))*100; End; Procedure VDivide; Var vin,vout,r1,r2: extended; Begin writeln('Leave one answer blank,except for voltage in'); getnumber('Voltage In',vin); getnumber('Voltage Out',vout); getnumber('R1',r1); getnumber('R2',r2); If vout=0 Then Begin vout := divide(r2,r1+r2)*vin; displaynumber('Voltage Out',vout); exit; End; If r1=0 Then Begin r1 := divide(vin,vout)*r2; displaynumber('R1',r1); exit; End; r2 := r1*divide(1,divide(vin,vout)-1); displaynumber('R2',r2); End; Procedure monostable; Var r,kt,c,t: extended; k,ts: string; sec: tdatetime; Begin sec := encodetime(0,0,1,0); write('Enter Time constant(number or t for 555 timer or q for transistor):'); k := '0'; readln(k); kt := strtofloatdef(k,0); If (kt=0)And(length(k)>0)Then Case trim(k)[1] Of 't','T': kt := 1.1; 'q','Q': kt := 0.7; End; If kt<=0 Then Begin writeln('Constant must be a number and > 0 or a defines letter'); exit; End; Writeln('Leave one answer blank'); getnumber('Enter Period(in seconds)',t); getnumber('Enter Resistance',r); getnumber('Enter Capacitance',c); If t=0 Then Begin t := r*c*kt; writeln('Duration: '+formatdatetime('hh:mm:ss',t*sec)); displaynumber('Time Period',t); End; If r=0 Then displaynumber('Resistance',divide(t/sec,kt*c)); If c=0 Then displaynumber('Capacitance',divide(t/sec,r*kt)); End; Function prompt: boolean; Var index,i: integer; Begin write('EECalc>'); readln(command); prompt := (uppercase(trim(command))<>'EXIT'); If Not prompt Then exit; index := -1; For i:= 0 To commands.count-1 Do Begin cmd := pointer(commands.objects[i]); If commandpercentage(command,commands[i])>=cmd^.percentage Then index := i; End; If index=-1 Then Begin writeln('Bad command'); exit; End; cmd := pointer(commands.objects[index]); cmd^.proc; End; Procedure help; Var i: integer; Begin writeln('Heres all ',commands.count,' commands:'); For i:= 0 To commands.count-1 Do Begin cmd := pointer(commands.objects[i]); writeln(commands[i],' ',cmd^.help); End; writeln; writeln('All commands have no parameters'); End; Procedure adc; Var v,vref: extended; s: string; n,a: integer; Begin getnumber('Voltage Referemce',vref); write('Enter Number Of Bits:'); readln(s); n := strtointdef(s,0); writeln('Leave One answer blank'); S := ''; write('Enter Analog Value:'); readln(s); a := strtointdef(s,-1); If a>-1 Then Begin displaynumber('Voltage Out',a*Divide(vref,power(2,n)-1)); exit; End; write('Enter Voltage:'); s := ''; readln(s); v := strtofloatdef(s,-1); a := trunc(divide(power(2,n)-1,vref)*v); writeln('Analog Value: ',a); End; Procedure combo; Var x,y: extended; count: integer; Begin y := 0; count := 1; writeln('Enter a blank value when done'); While Not getNumber(format('Value#%d',[count]),x) Do Begin y := y+x; inc(count); End; displaynumber('Result',y); End; Procedure fuses; Const fusearray: array[1..16] Of extended = (30,25,20,15,10,8,6,5,4,3,2.5,2,1.5,1,0.5,0.25); Var i,index: integer; currentfuse,volts,amps,watts: Extended; Begin index := 0; getnumber('Enter Voltage',volts); getnumber('Enter Amps',amps); watts := volts*amps; currentfuse := (watts/volts)*1.25; For i:=1 to 16 Do If fusearray[i]>currentfuse Then index := i; If index = 0 Then Begin writeln('Fuse not found'); exit; End; writeln('Fuse Rating: '+formatfloat('0.0',fusearray[index])+'A'); End; Procedure recipcombo; Var x,y: extended; count: integer; Begin y := 0; count := 1; writeln('Enter a blank value when done'); While Not getNumber(format('Value#%d',[count]),x) Do If x>0 Then Begin inc(count); y := y+(1/x); End; displaynumber('Result',divide(1,y)); End; Procedure ohmslaw; Var v,a,r,w: extended; s: string; Begin v := 0; a := 0; r := 0; writeln('Leave one answer blank'); getnumber('Enter Voltage',v); getNumber('Enter Current',a); If a*v>0 Then Begin r := divide(v,a); w := v*a; displaynumber('Resistance',r); displaynumber('Power',w); exit; End; getnumber('Enter Resistance',r); If v=0 Then Begin v := a*r; displaynumber('Voltage',v); End; If a=0 Then Begin a := divide(v,r); displaynumber('Curent',a); End; w := v*a; displaynumber('Power',w);; End; procedure Astable; var r1,r2,c,f,hit,lot:extended; begin getnumber('Enter R1',r1); getnumber('Enter R2',r2); getnumber('Enter Capacitance',c); f:=divide(1,ln(2)*c*(r1+2*r2)); hit:=divide(1,f); lot:=ln(2)*c*r2; displaynumber('Frequency',f); displaynumber('High Time',hit); displaynumber('Low Time',lot); end; Procedure AmpHours; Var t,ch: tdatetime; a,ah: extended; S: string; Begin ch := encodetime(1,0,0,0); getnumber('Enter Amp Hour Rating',ah) ; getNumber('Enter Load',a); t := ch*(ah/a); writeln('Duration: ',trunc(t),' days, ',formatdatetime('hh:mm:ss',t)); End; Procedure ledcalc; Var vin,vf,af,r: extended; s: string; Begin getnumber('Enter Voltage In',vin); getnumber('Enter Forward Voltage Drop',vf); s := ''; write('Enter current in mA:'); readln(s); af := strtofloatdef(s,0); r := divide(vin-vf,af*0.001); displaynumber('Resistance',r); displaynumber('Power',sqr(af*0.001)*r); End; Procedure creact; Var xc,c,f: extended; Begin writeln('Leave one value blank'); getnumber('Reactance(Xc)',xc); getnumber('Capacitance',c); getnumber('Frequency',f); If xc=0 Then displaynumber('Reactance',divide(1,pi*2*f*c)); If c=0 Then displaynumber('Capacitance',divide(divide(1,xc),pi*2*f)); If f=0 Then displaynumber('Frequency',divide(divide(1,xc),2*pi*c)); End; procedure lreact; var xl,f,l:extended; begin writeln('Leave one answer blank'); getnumber('Reactance(Xl)',xl); getnumber('Inductance',l); getnumber('Frequency',f); If xl=0 Then displaynumber('Reactance',pi*2*f*l); If l=0 Then displaynumber('Inductance',divide(xl,2*pi*f)); If f=0 Then displaynumber('Frequency',divide(xl,2*pi*l)); End; Procedure rcode; Type tcolorcode = Record digit: byte; multipler,tolerance: extended; End; PColorCode = ^TColorCode; Var scode: string; y,tolerance: extended; colors: tstringlist; i: integer; pcc: pcolorcode; bands: array[1..5] Of pcolorcode; Begin colors := tstringlist.create; new(pcc); pcc^.digit := 0; pcc^.multipler := 1; pcc^.tolerance := 0; colors.addobject('Black',tobject(pcc)); new(pcc); pcc^.digit := 1; pcc^.multipler := 10; pcc^.tolerance := 1; colors.addobject('Brown',tobject(pcc)); new(pcc); pcc^.digit := 2; pcc^.multipler := 100; pcc^.tolerance := 2; colors.addobject('Red',tobject(pcc)); new(pcc); pcc^.digit := 3; pcc^.multipler := 1000; pcc^.tolerance := 0; colors.addobject('Orange',tobject(pcc)); new(pcc); pcc^.digit := 4; pcc^.multipler := 10000; pcc^.tolerance := 0; colors.addobject('Yellow',tobject(pcc)); new(pcc); pcc^.digit := 5; pcc^.multipler := 100000; pcc^.tolerance := 0.5; colors.addobject('Green',tobject(pcc)); new(pcc); pcc^.digit := 6; pcc^.multipler := 1000000; pcc^.tolerance := 0.25; colors.addobject('Blue',tobject(pcc)); new(pcc); pcc^.digit := 7; pcc^.multipler := 10000000; pcc^.tolerance := 0.1; colors.addobject('Violet',tobject(pcc)); new(pcc); pcc^.digit := 8; pcc^.multipler := 100000000; pcc^.tolerance := 0.05; colors.addobject('Gray',tobject(pcc)); new(pcc); pcc^.digit := 9; pcc^.multipler := 1000000000; pcc^.tolerance := 0; colors.addobject('White',tobject(pcc)); new(pcc); pcc^.digit := 10; pcc^.multipler := 0.1; pcc^.tolerance := 5; colors.addobject('Gold',tobject(pcc)); new(pcc); pcc^.digit := 10; pcc^.multipler := 0.01; pcc^.tolerance := 10; colors.addobject('Silver',tobject(pcc)); writeln('Enter its code with the following digit, including tolerance digit'); For i:=0 To colors.count-1 Do write(inttohex(i,1),'=',colors[i],','); writeln; write('Enter 4 or 5 band color code:'); readln(scode); If (length(scode)<>4)And (length(scode)<>5)Then Begin writeln('No such thing as a ',length(scode),' band resistor'); exit; End; For i := 1 To length(scode) Do If strtointdef('$'+scode[i],colors.count)>=colors.count Then Begin writeln('Band#',i,' is not a valid band'); exit; End Else bands[i] := pointer(colors.objects[strtoint('$'+scode[i])]); If length(scode)=4 Then Begin If bands[1]^.digit=10 Then Begin writeln('Misused band 1'); exit; End; If bands[2]^.digit=10 Then Begin writeln('Misused band 2'); exit; End; y := ((bands[1]^.digit*10)+bands[2]^.digit)*bands[3]^.multipler; tolerance := bands[4]^.tolerance; End; If length(scode)=5 Then Begin If bands[1]^.digit=10 Then Begin writeln('Misused band 1'); exit; End; If bands[2]^.digit=10 Then Begin writeln('Misused band 2'); exit; End; If bands[3]^.digit=10 Then Begin writeln('Misused band 3'); exit; End; y := ((bands[1]^.digit*100)+(10*bands[2]^.digit)+bands[3]^.digit)*bands[4]^.multipler; tolerance := bands[5]^.tolerance; End; displaynumber('Resistance',y);; writeln('Tolerance: ',floattostr(tolerance),'%'); For i:=0 To colors.count-1 Do Begin pcc := pointer(colors.objects[i]); dispose(pcc); End;; End; procedure nop; begin //do nothing end; function LookForFile(ext:string):string; var sr:tsearchrec; filelist:tstringlist; index,i:integer; begin lookforfile:='?'; writeln('Files ending with ',ext,' in ',data_dir,' :'); if findfirst(data_dir+dir_char+'*'+ext,faanyfile,sr)<>0 then exit; filelist:=tstringlist.create;filelist.add(; while findnext(sr)=0 do filelist.add(; for i:=0 to filelist.count-1 do writeln(i,'. ',filelist[i]); write('Enter number or -1 to cancel: '); readln(index); findclose(sr); if index=-1 then begin; exit;end; lookforfile:=filelist[index];; end; procedure vreg; var dv,dvMin,dvmax,vin,vref,vout,r1,r2:extended; choice,vrgname:string; vrgfile:tstringlist; begin dv:=0;dvmin:=0;dvmax:=0;vref:=0; vrgfile:=nil; write('Load settings for LM317(y for yes, n for no, f from a file, or x for exit):'); readln(choice); if length(choice)=0 then exit; case choice[1] of 'y','Y':BEGIN dvmin:=3;dvmax:=40;vref:=1.25;end; 'n','N':nop; 'f','F':begin vrgname:=data_dir+dir_char+lookforfile('.vrg'); if not fileexists(vrgname) then begin writeln('File not found');exit;end; vrgfile:=tstringlist.create; vrgfile.loadfromfile(vrgname); vref:=strtofloatdef(vrgfile.values['Vref'],-1);dvmin:=strtofloatdef(vrgfile.values['dvMin'],-1);dvmax:=strtofloatdef(vrgfile.values['dvMax'],-1); if (vref=-1)or (dvmin=-1) or (dvmax=-1)then begin writeln('File is missing some variables. It needs a Vref, dvMin and a dvMax variable');exit; end;; end; 'x','X':exit; end; if dvmin=0 then if not getnumber('Enter Differnetial Min(or just press enter for no differnetial voltage)',dvmin) then getnumber('Enter Differnetial Voltage Max',dvmax); if dvmin*dvmax>0 then getnumber('Voltage In',vin); if vref=0 then getnumber('Voltage Reference',vref); getnumber('R1',r1); writeln('Leave one answer blank'); getnumber('Voltage Out',vout); getnumber('R2',r2); if r2=0 then displaynumber('R2',divide(r1*(vout-vref),vref)); if vout=0 then displaynumber('Vout',vref*divide(1+r2,r1)); if vin*dvmin*dvmax>0 then dv:= vin-vout; if (dv>dvmax)and (vin*dvmin*dvmax>0) then writeln('Input Voltage too high'); if (dv<dvmin)and (vin*dvmin*dvmax>0)then writeln('Warning! Input voltage may be too low'); end; Begin createdir(data_dir); writeln('delphijustin EECalc v1.0'); writeln('For a list of commands type "help"'); commands := tstringlist.create; commands.sorted := true; new(cmd); cmd^.percentage := 100; cmd^.help := 'Inductive Reactance'; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@lreact); commands.addobject('lreact',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.percentage := 100*(3/4); cmd^.help := 'Voltage Regulator'; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@vreg); commands.addobject('vreg',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.help := 'Calculates resistor color code'; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@rcode); cmd^.percentage := 100*(3/5); commands.addobject('rcode',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.help := 'Analog Digital Converter'; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@adc); cmd^.percentage := 100; commands.addobject('adc',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.help := 'Starts Ohms law calculator'; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@ohmslaw); cmd^.percentage := 75; commands.Addobject('ohmslaw',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.help := 'Parallel resistance'; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@recipcombo); cmd^.percentage := 100; commands.Addobject('presistor',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.percentage := 100; cmd^.help := 'Series capacitance'; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@recipcombo); commands.Addobject('scap',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.percentage := 100*(3/4); cmd^.help :='Fuse rating'; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@fuses); commands.Addobject('fuse',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.percentage := 100; cmd^.help := 'Series resistance'; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@combo); commands.Addobject('sresistor',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.percentage := 100; cmd^.help := 'Parallel capacitance'; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@recipcombo); commands.Addobject('pcap',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.percentage := 40; cmd^.help := 'Calculates duration of a battery'; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@amphours); commands.Addobject('amphours',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.percentage := 100; cmd^.help := 'Capacitive Reactance'; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@creact); commands.Addobject('creact',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.percentage := 100; cmd^.help := 'LED Resistor calculator'; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@ledcalc); commands.Addobject('led',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.percentage := 100; cmd^.help := 'Ends EECalc'; cmd^.proc := Nil; commands.addobject('exit',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.percentage := 60; cmd^.help :='555 Astable Multivibrator'; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@astable);; commands.addobject('astable',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.help := 'Voltage Divider'; cmd^.percentage := 100; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@vdivide); commands.addobject('vd',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.help := 'Displays this screen'; cmd^.percentage := 100*(3/4); cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@help); commands.addobject('help',tobject(cmd)); new(cmd); cmd^.help := 'Monostable multivibrator'; cmd^.percentage := 75;; cmd^.proc := tprocedure(@monostable); commands.addobject('mono',tobject(cmd)); While prompt Do End.
This plugin uses the linux say command to say chat messages, lets you know when some joins or quits, etc.. It requires the gnustep-gui-runtime and python
To install the gnustep runtime you can type this in on ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install gnustep-gui-runtime
then you can test to see if the say command works by typing
say hi im chucky wanna play?
Then if that works then the next step is to know where to put the plugin. Find the path type in, if the folder doesn’t exist create it.
hexchat -p
Next download and unzip the source code to the plugins folder.
__module_name__ = "GNUStep-speech" __module_version__ = "0.1.0" __module_description__ = "Speech engine script for hexchat" import hexchat # HexChat IRC interface import subprocess import random import sys import os import time import threading DeleteMinutes = 15 #number of minutes after text file is created to delete it TalkID = round(random.random()*100000,0) def TalkTimer(fn): time.sleep(60*DeleteMinutes) os.remove(fn) def MSGTalk(word, word_eol, userdata): # STRIP word for i in range(len(word)): # strips the colours and the format word[i] = hexchat.strip(word[i], -1, 3) # in "word", the first part is the user who issued the message user = word[0] msg = word[1][0:] fn = "/tmp/.hcsay"+str(TalkID+random.random()) myfile = open(fn,"w+") myfile.write(user+" says "+msg) myfile.close() timerThread=threading.Thread(target=TalkTimer, args=(fn,)) timerThread.start() subprocess.Popen(["say","-f",fn]) return hexchat.EAT_NONE def ATalk(word, word_eol, userdata): # STRIP word for i in range(len(word)): # strips the colours and the format word[i] = hexchat.strip(word[i], -1, 3) # in "word", the first part is the user who issued the message user = word[0] msg = word[1][0:] fn = "/tmp/.hcsay"+str(TalkID+random.random()) myfile = open(fn,"w+") myfile.write(user+" "+msg) myfile.close() timerThread=threading.Thread(target=TalkTimer, args=(fn,)) timerThread.start() subprocess.Popen(["say","-f",fn]) return hexchat.EAT_NONE def JoinTalk(word, word_eol, userdata): # STRIP word for i in range(len(word)): # strips the colours and the format word[i] = hexchat.strip(word[i], -1, 3) # in "word", the first part is the user who issued the message user = word[0] msg = word[1][0:] fn = "/tmp/.hcsay"+str(TalkID+random.random()) myfile = open(fn,"w+") myfile.write(user+" has joined "+msg) myfile.close() timerThread=threading.Thread(target=TalkTimer, args=(fn,)) timerThread.start() subprocess.Popen(["say","-f",fn]) return hexchat.EAT_NONE def NickTalk(word, word_eol, userdata): # STRIP word for i in range(len(word)): # strips the colours and the format word[i] = hexchat.strip(word[i], -1, 3) # in "word", the first part is the user who issued the message user = word[0] msg = word[1][0:] fn = "/tmp/.hcsay"+str(TalkID+random.random()) myfile = open(fn,"w+") myfile.write(user+" is now "+msg) myfile.close() timerThread=threading.Thread(target=TalkTimer, args=(fn,)) timerThread.start() subprocess.Popen(["say","-f",fn]) return hexchat.EAT_NONE def PartTalk(word, word_eol, userdata): # STRIP word for i in range(len(word)): # strips the colours and the format word[i] = hexchat.strip(word[i], -1, 3) # in "word", the first part is the user who issued the message user = word[0] msg = word[1][0:] fn = "/tmp/.hcsay"+str(TalkID+random.random()) myfile = open(fn,"w+") myfile.write(user+" has parted from "+msg) myfile.close() timerThread=threading.Thread(target=TalkTimer, args=(fn,)) timerThread.start() subprocess.Popen(["say","-f",fn]) return hexchat.EAT_NONE def PMSGTalk(word, word_eol, userdata): # STRIP word for i in range(len(word)): # strips the colours and the format word[i] = hexchat.strip(word[i], -1, 3) # in "word", the first part is the user who issued the message user = word[0] msg = word[1][0:] fn = "/tmp/.hcsay"+str(TalkID+random.random()) myfile = open(fn,"w+") myfile.write(user+" whispered "+msg) myfile.close() timerThread=threading.Thread(target=TalkTimer, args=(fn,)) timerThread.start() subprocess.Popen(["say","-f",fn]) return hexchat.EAT_NONE def QTalk(word, word_eol, userdata): # STRIP word for i in range(len(word)): # strips the colours and the format word[i] = hexchat.strip(word[i], -1, 3) # in "word", the first part is the user who issued the message user = word[0] msg = word[1][0:] fn = "/tmp/.hcsay"+str(TalkID+random.random()) myfile = open(fn,"w+") myfile.write(user+" quit chat "+msg) myfile.close() timerThread=threading.Thread(target=TalkTimer, args=(fn,)) timerThread.start() subprocess.Popen(["say","-f",fn]) return hexchat.EAT_NONE # Finally, the hook that will link the function above to the action of receiving a channel message hexchat.hook_print("Channel Message", MSGTalk) hexchat.hook_print("Private Message to Dialog", PMSGTalk) hexchat.hook_print("Join", JoinTalk) hexchat.hook_print("Change Nick", NickTalk) hexchat.hook_print("Part with Reason", PartTalk) hexchat.hook_print("Private Action to Dialog", ATalk) hexchat.hook_print("Channel Action", ATalk) hexchat.hook_print("Quit", QTalk) # You can find the words "Channel Message" and many other events in HexChat menu "Settings > Text Events..."
Here you will find a archive of lots of components that were left out of the app but were hard to find it in a zip file of all of them. So now you can download the whole tar file off of Google Drive or pick and choose the ones you want from the preview. If you don’t know what Oregano is its a open source schematic and circuit simulator program for linux. Make sure to extract files from the tar file to the root of the linux file system “/”
This tiny shell script will allow you to backup the settings and programs from a live linux session to two .tar files. Here’s a list of the tar files and what they do.
Here’s the source code for the two scripts are listed below. No download needed just use a text editor and save them as a *.sh file.
#!/bin/sh file echo Heres a list of the operations and error codes, 0 = success>config/load.log if [ -z $1 ] then xterm -e ./ xterm else echo ----- data.tar ----- sudo tar -xvf config/data.tar -C / echo data.tar $?>>config/load.log echo ----- system.tar ----- sudo tar -xvf config/system.tar -C / --skip-old-files echo system.tar $?>>config/load.log #Add service load commands after this line #web server hiawatha echo hiawatha $?>>config/load.log jwm -restart fi
#!/bin/sh file mkdir config echo Heres a list of the operations and error codes, 0 = success>config/save.log if [ -z $1 ] then xterm -e ./ xterm else echo ---- data.tar ---- rm config/data.tar tar -rvf config/data.tar /etc echo /etc $?>>config/save.log tar -rvf config/data.tar /var echo /var $?>>config/save.log tar -rvf config/data.tar ~ echo home dir $?>>config/save.log echo ---- system.tar ---- rm config/system.tar tar -rvf config/system.tar /usr echo system.tar $?>>config/save.log xedit config/save.log fi
I had a 6vdc power supply laying around and John Zogg(my friend) wanted to power his scanner from both batteries and power supply. The power supply didn’t have the correct connector. So what could I possibly do to safely run it off of the batteries and power supply at the same time? So I got some rectifier diodes and used one for the batteries and one for the power supply. The rectifier diode will prevent the voltages from going back into the battery or the power supply. The diode I chose was an EGP50G which was a fast recovery diode a 400V and 5 Amps. It doesn’t need to be a fast recovery or 400v or 5 amps. In fact, you could use a 1N4001 diode and it would work the same.
That circuit above makes it act like an Uninterruptable Power Supply(UPS). I drilled four holes into th battery cover so I could use the cover as a Circuit board for the diodes.
This is a simple yet effective resistor decade box. The resistors are connected in parallel with the SPDT/SPST switches. The resistance is the sum of all switches opened(NOT CLOSED!).
When resistors are in series the resistances add up.
And when they are in parallel the total resistance decreases:
Rt is the total resistance in all equations can have an unlimited amount of resistors.
We are going to set them up in a 4-bit binary digit value form where each switch has a resistance of $$Rn=2^{n}$$
Let’s say when you close the switch, the resistance is 0.1 ohm. So let’s say we have a 4 switch box. There are 10,20,40 and 80 ohms used. Let’s close 40 and 80.
Rout=30.19962578 which should be 30 ohms we are close enough
I wanted a solution for making my visitors easier for them to order parts to build my projects. This code comes from the “Order By Part#” Page. Heres an example of how to use it:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script><!-- Load jsAllElectronics --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* Here's how to call createAEForm createAEForm(parts_Array,buttonText) Parameters: parts_Array Array of JSON objects containing parts Cat# and Qty buttonnText Text inside of the button on the form. */ createAEForm([{Cat:"291-5.6K",Qty:10},{Cat:"293-10",Qty:10}],"Add Resistors to cart");//write form HTML to page </script>
Heres the source code of the utility:
/* Parts ordering script off of all electronics. This utility is not from all electronics and doesn't checks if all parts are in stock. If a part is not in stock all except parts that were not in stock will be added jsAllElectronics by Justin Roeder */ function EnumParts(item,index){ var xitem=index+1; document.writeln('<input type="hidden" name="id['+xitem+']" value="'+item.Cat+'"/>'); document.writeln('<input type="hidden" name="qty['+xitem+']" value="'+item.Qty+'"/>'); } function createAEForm(parts,buttonText){ document.writeln('<form method="get" action="">'); document.writeln('<input type="hidden" name="type" value="" />'); document.writeln('<input type="hidden" name="page" value="item" />'); document.writeln('<input type="hidden" name="action" value="cart" />'); document.writeln('<input type="hidden" name="id" value="order_by_cat" />'); document.writeln('<input type="hidden" name="skip_redirect_suffix" value="" />'); parts.forEach(EnumParts); document.writeln('<input type="submit" value="'+buttonText+'"></form>'); }