Here is my plan for John Zogg’s battery charger. It uses 3 analog inputs for each battery cell. I decided to use this one that
/* * UnoCharge - the arduino nimh charger * This is my version of the Arduino NiMh battery charger * its modifications include Charge LED and multiple Battery support * Orginally from * Modified by delphijustin * Special Thanks to John Zogg and flyback */ byte nBatteries=2;//Number of batteries(1 through 5), other array variables must have the same number of values. byte chargedLED = 2; // digital pin for LED int batteryCapacity[] = {2500,2500}; //capacity rating of battery in mAh float resistance[] = {10.0,10.0}; //measured resistance[b] of the power resistor int cutoffVoltage = 1600; //maximum battery voltage (in mV) that should not be exceeded float cutofftemperatureC = 35; //maximum battery temperature that should not be exceeded (in degrees C) //float cutoffTemperatureF = 95; //maximum battery temperature that should not be exceeded (in degrees F) long cutoffTime = 46800000; //maximum charge time of 13 hours that should not be exceeded byte outputPin[] = {9,6}; // Output signal wire connected to digital pin 9 int outputValue[] = {150,150}; //value of PWM output signal byte analogPinOne[] = {0,3}; //first voltage probe connected to analog pin 1 float ValueProbeOne[] = {0,0}; //variable to store the value of analogPinOne[b] float voltageProbeOne[] = {0,0}; //calculated voltage at analogPinOne[b] byte analogPinTwo[] = {1,4}; //second voltage probe connected to analog pin 2 float valueProbeTwo[] = {0,0}; //variable to store the value of analogPinTwo[b] float voltageProbeTwo[] = {0,0}; //calculated voltage at analogPinTwo[b] byte analogPinThree[] = {2,5}; //third voltage probe connected to analog pin 2 float valueProbeThree[] = {0,0}; //variable to store the value of analogPinThree[b] float tmp36voltage[] = {0,0}; //calculated voltage at analogPinThree[b] float temperatureC[] = {0,0}; //calculated temperature of probe in degrees C //float temperatureF = 0; //calculated temperature of probe in degrees F float voltageDifference[] = {0,0}; //difference in voltage between analogPinOne[b] and analogPinTwo[b] float batteryVoltage[] ={0,0}; //calculated voltage of battery float current[] = {0,0}; //calculated current through the load (in mA) float targetCurrent[] = {0,0}; //target output current (in mA) set at C/10 or 1/10 of the battery capacity per hour float currentError[] = {0,0}; //difference between target current and actual current (in mA) void setup() { pinMode(chargedLED,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(chargedLED,LOW); Serial.begin(9600); // setup serial for(byte x=0;x<nBatteries;x++){ targetCurrent[x]=batteryCapacity[x]/10; pinMode(outputPin[x], OUTPUT); // sets the pin as output } } byte chargeStatus(){ byte s=0; for(byte b=0;b<nBatteries;b++){ if(outputValue[b]==0){s++;} } if(s==nBatteries){ digitalWrite(chargedLED,HIGH); } return s; } void loop() { for(byte b=0;b<nBatteries;b++){ Serial.println("Battery "+b); analogWrite(outputPin[b], outputValue[b]); //Write output value to output pin Serial.print("Output: "); //display output values for monitoring with a computer Serial.println(outputValue[b]); ValueProbeOne[b] = analogRead(analogPinOne[b]); // read the input value at probe one voltageProbeOne[b] = (ValueProbeOne[b]*5000)/1023; //calculate voltage at probe one in milliVolts Serial.print("Voltage Probe One (mV): "); //display voltage at probe one Serial.println(voltageProbeOne[b]); valueProbeTwo[b] = analogRead(analogPinTwo[b]); // read the input value at probe two voltageProbeTwo[b] = (valueProbeTwo[b]*5000)/1023; //calculate voltage at probe two in milliVolts Serial.print("Voltage Probe Two (mV): "); //display voltage at probe two Serial.println(voltageProbeTwo[b]); batteryVoltage[b] = 5000 - voltageProbeTwo[b]; //calculate battery voltage Serial.print("Battery Voltage (mV): "); //display battery voltage Serial.println(batteryVoltage[b]); current[b] = (voltageProbeTwo[b] - voltageProbeOne[b]) / resistance[b]; //calculate charge current[b] Serial.print("Target Current (mA): "); //display target current[b] Serial.println(targetCurrent[b]); Serial.print("Battery Current (mA): "); //display actual current[b] Serial.println(current[b]); currentError[b] = targetCurrent[b] - current[b]; //difference between target current[b] and measured current[b] Serial.print("Current Error (mA): "); //display current[b] error Serial.println(currentError[b]); valueProbeThree[b] = analogRead(analogPinThree[b]); // read the input value at probe three tmp36voltage[b] = valueProbeThree[b] * 5.0; // converting that reading to voltage tmp36voltage[b] /= 1024.0; temperatureC[b] = (tmp36voltage[b] - 0.5) * 100 ; //converting from 10 mv per degree wit 500 mV offset to degrees ((voltage - 500mV) times 100) Serial.print("Temperature (degrees C) "); //display the temperature in degrees C Serial.println(temperatureC[b]); /* temperatureF = (temperatureC[b] * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0; //convert to Fahrenheit Serial.print("Temperature (degrees F) "); Serial.println(temperatureF); */ Serial.println(); //extra spaces to make debugging data easier to read Serial.println(); if(abs(currentError[b]) > 10) //if output error is large enough, adjust output { outputValue[b] = outputValue[b] + currentError[b] / 10; if(outputValue[b] < 1) //output can never go below 0 { outputValue[b] = 0; } if(outputValue[b] > 254) //output can never go above 255 { outputValue[b] = 255; } analogWrite(outputPin[b], outputValue[b]); //write the new output value } if(temperatureC[b] > cutofftemperatureC) //stop charging if the battery temperature exceeds the safety threshold { outputValue[b] = 0; Serial.print("Max Temperature Exceeded"); } /* if(temperatureF > cutoffTemperatureF) //stop charging if the battery temperature exceeds the safety threshold { outputValue[b] = 0; } */ if(batteryVoltage[b] > cutoffVoltage) //stop charging if the battery voltage exceeds the safety threshold { outputValue[b] = 0; Serial.print("Max Voltage Exceeded"); } if(millis() > cutoffTime) //stop charging if the charge time threshold { outputValue[b] = 0; Serial.print("Max Charge Time Exceeded"); } delay(10000); //delay 10 seconds for before next iteration } Serial.println(); Serial.print(chargeStatus()); Serial.print(" Out of "); Serial.print(nBatteries); Serial.print(" batteries fully charged"); }
Also, I am not sure if the MOSFET has to be special but it controls the charging voltage according to the All About Circuits page so I will use a IRF510 MOSFET from eBay.