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Discrete transistor op amp
Here in this blog i will show you how to build a high powered transistor opamp. The design is based off of allaboutcircuits.com design. The only changes were the transistors were power transistors and rprg is lowered to 390 ohms half watt.

Capacitor powered LED flashlight
Long time ago QVC sold a shakeable Flashlight that had no batteries just a shakeable generator and a super capacitor. This flashlight uses a 5vdc 1.5a wall wart to charge the capacitors.
To figure out how long it will take to charge the flashlight you use this equation
And for total discharge time
T is time in seconds
Rcurrentlimit is the power resistor used in charging the capacitors in ohms
RLED is the LED resistor in ohms
C is total capacitance in farads
One thing you should know if the capacitors voltage is lower than the supply voltage you should put capacitors in series to increase the voltage rating on the capacitors. Usually you should use 2 capacitors in series and the supply voltage should be no more than capacitors voltage times 2. The diode will drop the voltage by some and also prevent discharging it threw the wall wart
Yet another TV oscilloscope
In this blog post a crt TV a part and turn it into a oscilloscope. I am going to try to use a TL082 op amp to buffer and amplify the signal. It uses the deflection yoke to draw the picture on the tube.
More pictures and videos will be posted here when it is finished
DIY Static wrist strap
This wrist strap prevents electrostatic discharge to whatever you touch
What you need:
- 1 meg ohm resistor(any wattage or tolerance will do
- Copper tape or foil
- a piece of wire(you can use all of the wires from a btoken cord if you like0
- bracelet(This should allow the copper tape to stick)
- one alligator clip
Step 1 cover the whole bracelet with copper tape
Step 2 solder a piece of wire to the copper tape. Do not solder the resistor to the tape. By doing that the connection will be bridal and break off.
Step 3 take the resistor and solder it to the wire which connects to bracelet
Step 4 solder another wire to the resistor to the ground clip, again don’t solder the resistor directly to the ground clip, it could break off.
Step 5 measure the meter in a range that is in greater than 1 meg ohm to see if it measures 1 meg ohm. If it does than your all done
Pictures coming soon
If you would like to see the DIY mat click here
DIY anti-static mat
This is a very simple esd mat that anyone can build.
All you need is
- Small nail
- Cardboard box
- A three prong cord(must be three prong so that it functions correctly)
- Copper foil sheets that stick(i got mine from eBay, it is used for guitars)
- 1 meg ohm resistor any wattage should do.
- Hot glue gun and sticks
- Solder and soldering iron
First take the cardboard box and flatten it.
Next take your copper foil and try to cover the cardboard to the size you want your mat just leave some cardboard exposed for resistor and nail.
Next solder the 1 meg resistors to the copper and ground on the power cord(the green wire only) and don’t shorten the leads of the resistor yet, poke a hole for the nail to go though and wrap the resistor lead that is directly to the ground(this is where your wrist strap connects)
Hot glue the green wire to the cardboard so the resistor doesn’t break off.

To make your own wrist strap click here.
Simplest analog computer
In this post I will show you how to make a analog computer using just resistors, switches and a 100 micro ammeter.
Here’s the schematic of it:

You can see the idea on how this analog computer works, it uses ohms law to get current from resistors in the circuits. Each current is limited in binary. Also parallel resistance makes the current add up. This circuit can make current from 0 to 300 micro amps. This circuit can last for days on batteries. A 8 volt regulator should be used so the voltage stays at 8 volts.
So you might be thinking how can this analog computer add and subtract numbers?
First of all we need to know ohm’s law. Ohm’s law states that if we know 2 out of 3 variables(voltage,current or resistance) we can solve for the variable that we don’t know.
V is input voltage I is current and R is resistance
So if we want 80 micro amps and our input voltage is 8v
Now the next thing is to know series and parallel resistance.
When resistors are in series the current lowers and resistance adds up.
in parallel the currents add up resistance goes down.
Next we calculate the resistance that is needed to generate 10,20,40 and 80 micro amps
To subtract do the second equation by trying all possible values for A
Once I get all of the parts I will update this post
Icon Screensaver
This screensaver does exactly what the name says. It looks for icons and have them bounce around the screen and leaving a trail behind them. They are randomly chosen from windows, system and cursors directory. It uses ExtractIcon function from shell32.dll to get the icon and number of icons.
unit iconscrnUnit1; {$RESOURCE iconscreensaver.res} interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, shellapi, ExtCtrls, Menus; const format_dword='%u'; switch_s='/s'; switch_p='/p'; appname='Icon Screensaver'; icontypes:array[0..6]of string=('exe','dll','cpl','scr','ico','ani','cur'); type TScrnSave =class(TForm) Timer1: TTimer; Timer2: TTimer; Timer3: TTimer; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); procedure Timer2Timer(Sender: TObject); procedure Timer3Timer(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public Movement,OldMouse,IconPos:tpoint; PreviewRect:TRect; { Public declarations } end; var IconFiles:tstringlist; SelIcon:hicon; ScrnSave: TScrnSave; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure findIcons(const dir:string); var i:integer; sr:tsearchrec; begin for i:=0to high(icontypes)do if findfirst(dir+'\*.'+icontypes[i],faanyfile,sr)=0then begin iconfiles.Append(sr.name); while findnext(sr)=0do iconfiles.Append(sr.name); findclose(sr); end; end; procedure TScrnSave.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var searchdir:array[0..max_path]of char; about:msgboxparams; begin iconfiles:=tstringlist.Create; movement.x:=10; movement.y:=10; if comparetext(paramstr(1),switch_p)=0then begin//checks to see if it is being previewed in control panel windows.GetClientRect(strtoint(paramstr(2)),previewrect); clientheight:=previewrect.Bottom; clientwidth:=previewrect.Right; zeromemory(@previewrect.topleft,sizeof(tpoint)); windows.SetParent(handle,strtoint(paramstr(2))); end else if comparetext(switch_s,paramstr(1))<>0then begin zeromemory(@about,sizeof(About)); about.cbSize:=sizeof(about); about.hInstance:=hinstance; about.lpszText:= 'delphijustin Icon Screensaver v1.0'#13#10'By Justin Roeder'#13#10'2021'; about.lpszCaption:='About'; about.dwStyle:=mb_usericon; about.lpszIcon:='MAINICON'; messageboxindirect(about); exitprocess(0); end; getwindowsdirectory(searchdir,max_path); findicons(searchdir); findicons(strcat(searchdir,'\Cursors')); getsystemdirectory(searchdir,max_path); findicons(searchdir); randomize; iconpos.y:=random(clientheight); iconpos.x:=random(clientwidth); getcursorpos(oldmouse); timer1.Enabled:=true; timer2timer(nil); timer3timer(nil); timer2.Enabled:=true; end; procedure TScrnSave.FormMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if comparetext(switch_p,paramstr(1))=0then exit; close; end; procedure TScrnSave.FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if comparetext(switch_p,paramstr(1))=0then exit; close; end; procedure TScrnSave.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); //This function draws the icons and checks for mouse movements var newmouse:tpoint; begin if comparetext(switch_p,paramstr(1))=0then if not iswindow(strtoint(paramstr(2)))then exitprocess(0); getcursorpos(newmouse); if(comparetext(switch_p,paramstr(1))<>0)and((newmouse.x<>oldmouse.x)or(newmouse.y<>oldmouse.y))then close; with iconpos do begin y:=y+movement.y; x:=x+movement.x; drawicon(canvas.handle,x,y,selIcon); if (y>clientheight)or(y<0) then movement.y:=-movement.y; if (x>ClientWidth)OR(x<0) then movement.x:=-movement.x; end; end; procedure TScrnSave.Timer2Timer(Sender: TObject); var index,count:integer; label tryagain; begin tryagain:index:=random(iconfiles.Count); count:=extracticon(hinstance,pchar(iconfiles[index]),UINT(-1)); if COUNT=0then begin iconfiles.Delete(index);goto tryagain; end; if selicon<>0then destroyicon(selicon); selicon:=extracticon(hinstance,pchar(iconfiles[index]),random(count)); end; procedure TScrnSave.Timer3Timer(Sender: TObject); begin color:=rgb(random(256),random(256),random(256)); end; end.
Random Screensaver for windows
This screensaver randomly chooses screensavers when it starts. You can choose which folders to use, how long of a delay between screensavers and which ones you don’t want running.

program randomss; {$RESOURCE RANDOMSCREENSAVER.RES} (* This is the main file for random screensaver it starts the configuration window (TScreenSaverConfig) it starts choosing screensavers. *) uses SysUtils, windows, Classes, filectrl, forms, graphics, shellapi, randomssUnit1 in 'randomssUnit1.pas' {ScreenSaverConfig}; {$E scr} label nextscr; const RUNNING_HINT:pchar='Delete this key to allow the screensaver to run again'; type TGetProcessId=function(handle:THandle):DWord;stdcall; //The function GetProcessId wasn't defined in Delphi 4 var hkRunning:hkey; screc,scrpid:dword; I:integer; used:tstringlist; exec:shellexecuteinfo; preview:TCanvas; GetProcessId:tgetprocessid; previewRect:TRect; randomized:boolean; dir:array[0..max_path]of char; Icon:TIcon; function AlreadyRunning:boolean; var disp,pid:dword; hkrunning:hkey; begin disp:=maxdword; pid:=getcurrentprocessid; regcreatekeyex(hkey_current_user,reg_running,0,nil,reg_option_volatile,key_write, nil,hkrunning,@disp);regsetvalueex(hkrunning,nil,0,reg_sz,running_hint,(1+strlen( running_hint))*sizeof(char)); result:=(disp=reg_opened_existing_key); if not result then regsetvalueex(hkrunning,reg_processid,0,reg_dword,@pid,4); regclosekey(hkrunning); end; begin randomize; regcreatekeyex(hkey_current_user,'Software\Justin\RandomSCR',0,nil, reg_option_non_volatile,key_all_access,nil,hkapp,nil); bRunOnce:=(regqueryvalueex(hkapp,reg_norunonce,nil,nil,nil,nil)<>error_success); rs:=4; bnoshuffle:=(regqueryvalueeX(hkapp,reg_randomseed,nil,nil,@randseed,@rs)=error_success); rs:=4; getwindowsdirectory(windir,max_path); maxtime:=60000; regqueryvalueex(hkapp,reg_runtime,nil,nil,@maxtime,@rs); randomized:=(maxtime=random_time); rs:=sizeof(szExcluded); regqueryvalueeX(hkapp,reg_excluded,nil,nil,Pointer(strcopy(szexcluded,'')),@rs); excluded:=tstringlist.Create; excluded.CommaText:=strpas(szexcluded); excluded.Append(paramstr(0)); directories:=tstringlist.create; rs:=sizeof(szdirectories); directories.Append(windir);//for windows 9x/Me(Even though this tool won't work with that OS) if directoryexists(strfmt(dir,'%s\system32',[windir]))then directories.Append( dir);//for NT-type screensavers if directoryexists(strfmt(dir,'%s\SysWOW64',[windir]))then directories.Append( dir);//for 64-bit windows if directoryexists(strfmt(dir,'%s\system',[windir]))then directories.Append(dir); //just in case there screensavers in that folder regqueryvalueex(hkapp,reg_dirlist,nil,nil,pointer(strplcopy(szDirectories, directories.commatext,1024)),@rs); directories.commatext:=strpas(szdirectories); screensavers:=tstringlist.Create; for i:=0to directories.count-1do begin if findfirst(format('%s\*.scr',[directories[i]]),faanyfile,findscr)=0then begin if(excluded.IndexOf(findscr.finddata.cfilename)=-1)and(-1=excluded.Indexof( extractfilename(findscr.FindData.cFileName))) then screensavers.Append(Directories[i]+'\'+findscr.FindData.cFileName); while findnext(findscr)=0do if(excluded.IndexOf(findscr.finddata.cfilename)=-1)and(-1=excluded.Indexof( extractfilename(findscr.FindData.cFileName))) then screensavers.Append(directories[i]+'\'+findscr.FindData.cFileName); sysutils.FindClose(findscR); end; end; if(comparetext('/p',paramstr(1))<>0)and(comparetext(paramstr(1),'/s')<>0)and( comparetext('/debug',paramstr(1))<>0)then begin(* This code is executed when the Settings button has been clicked or Configure has been choosen from the file menu *) application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(Tscreensaverconfig, screensaverconfig); application.Run; exitprocess(0); end; regclosekey(hkapp); if comparetext('/p',paramstr(1))=0then begin(* executes this code when being previewed in control panel *) icon:=ticon.Create; icon.Handle:=loadicon(hinstance,MakeIntResource(1)); preview:=tcanvas.Create; preview.Handle:=getwindowdc(strtoint(paramstr(2))); getclientrect(strtoint(paramstr(2)),previewrect); while iswindow(strtoint(paramstr(2)))do begin for I:=0to high(randomss_about)do preview.TextOut(0,i*16,randomss_about[i]); with previewrect.BottomRight do preview.Draw(x div 2,y div 2,icon);//draw the icon in the middle of the preview window sleep(100); end; releasedc(strtoint(paramstr(2)),preview.handle); exitprocess(0); end; if alreadyrunning then exitprocess(wait_timeout); //Don't allow more than one process of this screensaver running. @GetProcessId:=getprocaddress(getmodulehandle(kernel32),'GetProcessId'); zeromemory(@exec,sizeof(exec)); exec.cbSize:=sizeof(exec); exec.fMask:=see_mask_nocloseprocess; exec.lpFile:=stralloc(MAX_PATH+1); exec.lpParameters:='/S'; exec.nShow:=sw_show; if screensavers.Count=0then begin messagebox(0,'No screensavers found',appname, mb_iconwarning);exitprocess(error_file_not_found);end; used:=tstringlist.Create; (* Starts choosing screensavers *) regopenkeyex(hkey_current_user,reg_running,0,key_all_access,hkrunning); (*Assumes that the key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Justin\RandomSCR\Running" exists or created by the alreadyrunning function *) nextscr:if randomized then maxtime:=60000+random(15*60000); if used.Count=screensavers.Count then used.Clear; if(used.IndexOf(strpcopy(exec.lpFile,screensavers[random(screensavers.count)]))>-1) then goto nextscr; if brunonce then used.Append(exec.lpFile); if not shellexecuteex(@Exec) then(* Use ShellExecuteEx to start the screensaver *) begin regclosekey(hkrunning);exitprocess(1);end; if assigned(getprocessid)then scrpid:=getprocessid(exec.hProcess); regsetvalueex(hkrunning,reg_scrpid,0,reg_dword,@scrpid,4); case waitforsingleobject(exec.hProcess,maxtime)of(* wait for timeout or screensaver exit *) wait_timeout:begin terminateprocess(exec.hProcess,0);closehandle(exec.hProcess); goto nextscr; end; wait_failed:messagebox(0,pchar('WaitForScreensaver: '+syserrormessage( getlasterror)),exec.lpfile,mb_iconwarning); else screc:=0;getexitcodeprocess(exec.hprocess,screc);terminateprocess( exec.hProcess,0);closehandle(exec.hProcess);if screc=wait_timeout then goto nextscr; end; if hkrunning<>0then regclosekey(hkrunning); regdeletekey(hkey_current_user,reg_running); exitprocess(getlasterror); end. unit randomssUnit1; (* Settings form unit. *) interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Menus, ComCtrls; const appname='Random Screensaver'; REG_RUNNING='Software\Justin\RandomSCR\Running'; reg_runtime='RunTime'; reg_excluded='Excluded'; reg_processid='ProcessID'; reg_scrpid='SCRProcessID'; random_time=maxdword-1; RandomSS_About:Array[0..2]of string=( 'delphijustin Random ScreenSaver v1.0', 'By Justin Roeder','2021'); reg_dirlist='Directories'; reg_randomseed='RandomSeed'; reg_NoRunOnce='NoRunOnce'; type EBadTimeout=class(Exception) end; TScreenSaverConfig = class(TForm) Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Memo1: TMemo; Button1: TButton; MainMenu1: TMainMenu; Help1: TMenuItem; About1: TMenuItem; Button2: TButton; Label3: TLabel; Memo2: TMemo; Button3: TButton; OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog; CheckBox1: TCheckBox; Label4: TLabel; StatusBar1: TStatusBar; ComboBox1: TComboBox; CheckBox2: TCheckBox; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure About1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; function StrToTimeout(const s:string):dword; var ScreenSaverConfig: TScreenSaverConfig; bRunOnce,bNoShuffle:boolean; maxTime,rs:dword; ScreenSavers,excluded,directories:Tstringlist; findscr:tsearchrec; windir:array[0..max_path]of char; szdirectories,szExcluded:array[0..1024]of char; hkApp:hkey; implementation {$R *.DFM} function TimeoutToStr(timeout:dword):string; begin case timeout of //Converts the timeout(in milliseconds)to a readable string infinite:result:='INF'; RANDOM_TIME:result:='RANDOM'; ELSE result:=formatdatetime('hh:mm:ss',timeout*EncodeTime(0,0,0,1)); END; end; function StrToTimeout(const s:string):dword; begin try//does the opposite of TimeoutToStr if comparetext(s,'INF')=0then result:=infinite else if comparetext(s,'RANDOM')=0Then result:=random_time else result:=round(strtotime(s)/encodetime(0,0,0,1)); if(result<60000)then raise EBadTimeout.Create( 'To prevent system crashes, the time cannot be less than 1 minute'); except on E:EConvertError do result:=60000;end; end; procedure TScreenSaverConfig.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin//initializes the configuration form. regdeletekey(hkey_current_user,reg_running); with excluded do delete(indexof(paramstr(0))); icon.Handle:=loadicon(hinstance,makeintresource(1)); application.Icon.Handle:=icon.Handle; application.Title:=caption; opendialog1.InitialDir:=strpas(windir); checkbox1.Checked:=brunonce; checkbox2.Checked:=bNoShuffle; combobox1.Text:=timeouttostr(maxtime); memo1.Text:=directories.Text; memo2.Text:=excluded.text; statusbar1.SimpleText:=format(statusbar1.SimpleText,[screensavers.count]); end; procedure TScreenSaverConfig.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin regclosekey(hkapp); exitprocess(0); end; procedure TScreenSaverConfig.About1Click(Sender: TObject); var msgbox:msgboxparams; I:integer; begin zeromemory(@msgbox,sizeof(msgboX)); msgbox.cbSize:=sizeof(msgbox); msgbox.hwndOwner:=handle; msgbox.hInstance:=hinstance; msgbox.lpszText:=strcopy(stralloc(2048),''); for I:=0to high(randomss_about)do strpcopy(strend(msgbox.lpsztext),randomss_about[i]+#13#10); msgbox.lpszCaption:='About'; msgbox.dwStyle:=mb_usericon; msgbox.lpszIcon:=makeintresource(1); messageboxindirect(msgbox); strdispose(msgbox.lpszText); end; procedure TScreenSaverConfig.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin (* Saves settings in the registry under the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Justin\RandomSCR NoRunOnce If exists the screensaver list wont act like a deck of cards. Excluded Comma seperated list of screensavers to not run. Directories Comma seperated list of screensaver directories RandomSeed If exists the list won't be shuffled and its seed is initialed by that value. RunTime Timeout in milliseconds or one of the following values: 0xFFFFFFFF Unlimited time 0xFFFFFFFE Random time in between(1 and 15 minutes) *) if checkbox1.Checked then regdeletevalue(hkapp,reg_norunonce)else regsetvalueex(hkapp,reg_norunonce,0,reg_binary,nil,0); maxtime:=strtotimeout(combobox1.text); with memo2.Lines do regsetvalueex(hkapp,reg_excluded,0,reg_sz,strpcopy(szExcluded,commatext),(1+ length(commatext))*sizeof(chaR)); regsetvalueex(hkapp,reg_runtime,0,reg_dword,@maxtime,4); with memo1.Lines do regsetvalueex(hkapp,reg_dirlist,0,reg_sz,strpcopy(szdirectories,commatext),(1+ length(commatext))*sizeof(char)); if checkbox2.Checked then regsetvalueex(hkapp,reg_randomseed,0,reg_dword, @randseed,4)else regdeletevalue(hkapp,reg_randomseed); close; end; procedure TScreenSaverConfig.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin close; end; procedure TScreenSaverConfig.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin (* Exclude list browse button *) if not opendialog1.Execute then exit; memo2.Lines.Add(extractfilename(opendialog1.filename)); end; end.
AutoRecord for NCH SoundTap
I wanted soundtap to keep recording after a song was done playing on YouTube so thus AutoRecord tool was made
program autorec; (* This code is very simple. It enumerates all window handles to find the button with classname "Button" and window text "Start Recording" if it doesnt find it at the first attempt it will open soundtap and try again. After all of that it looks to see if the window text not equals "Stop Recording" once that is true it will send a BM_CLICK message to that button and then repeats that process until the button handle is no longer valid. *) {$apptype console} {$Resource autorec-data.res} uses SysUtils,messages, windows,shellapi; var RecordBTN:hwnd; seError:hinst; rs:dword; recordcap:array[0..255]of char; hk:hkey; soundtap_exe:array[0..max_path]of char; function findbutton(hw:hwnd;lp:lparam):bool;stdcall; var classn,wndtext:array[0..255]of char; begin result:=true; getclassname(hw,classn,255); getwindowtext(hw,wndtext,255); if(comparetext(wndtext,'Start Recording')=0)and(comparetext(classn,'Button')=0) then begin recordbtn:=hw;result:=false;exit;end; //enumchildwindows(hw,@findbutton,1); end; procedure buttonClicked(hw:hwnd;umsg:uint;dwdata:dword;lresult:lresult);stdcall; asm nop end; begin recordbtn:=getdesktopwindow; writeln('delphijustin Autorecord for soundtap v1.0'); writeln('Not created by NCH Software'); writeln('Searching for record button...'); enumchildwindows(getdesktopwindow,@findbutton,0); if recordbtn=getdesktopwindow then begin //if first attept fails try launching SoundTap regopenkeyex(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\NCH Software\SoundTap\Settings',0, key_read,hk);//Open soundtap registry key and query install path rs:=sizeof(soundtap_exe); if regqueryvalueex(hk,'InstallerPath',nil,nil,@soundtap_exe,@rs)<>error_success then begin writeln('Could not find SoundTap');regclosekey(hk);exitprocess(1); end;//end if regqueryvalueex regclosekey(hk);seError:=shellexecute(0,nil,strcat(soundtap_exe,'\soundtap.exe'), nil,nil,sw_shownormal);if seerror<33then begin writeln(soundtap_exe,':', syserrormessage(seerror));exitprocess(1);end;//end if seerror sleep(10000); //give about 10 seconds for soundtap to finsh loading enumchildwindows(getdesktopwindow,@findbutton,0);//attempt to find the button one last time if recordbtn=getdesktopwindow then begin writeln('Cannot find the record button'); exitprocess(1); end;//end if second attempt end;//end if first attempt writeln('Button found. Handle is 0x',inttohex(recordbtn,0)); while iswindow(recordbtn)do begin//check window text until the button is no longer valid sleep(5000); getwindowtext(recordbtn,recordcap,255); if comparetext('Stop Recording',recordcap)<>0then sendmessagecallback(recordbtn,bm_click,0,0,@buttonclicked,0); //so far SendMessageCallback is the only method end; writeln('Button handle no longer valid'); end.