8-bit Capacitance box

Today I began working on my Capacitor box. It’s value is in binary obtain from switches. If you can’t get perfect Capacitance from each switch you can use multiple in parallel or series. For capacitors in series the value is: $$Ct=\frac{1}{\frac{1}{C1}+\frac{1}{C2}}$$ Both equations can have any amount of capacitors the variable Ct is the total …

Diy Cigarette lighter extension cord

This do-it-yourself extension cord is simple and straight forward. The reason! Why I built it was to make my cell phone reach the outlet. I just used 2 strains of wires connected to both ends. The one I built has 3 different kinds of wires. This is because I wanted to build it out of …

Adjustable Circuit Breaker

Tired of having to replace fuses for your projects? Different projects require different current ratings? Then you should build this circuit! All you need is 1x Voltage Comparator(Like LM311) or an Opamp make sure that they are compatible with a single supply 1x Shunt Resistor(use 1 ohm if you are planing on using panel voltmeter(the …

Audio Relay Driver Circuit

This circuit can be used for flashing lights to sound coming from a computer,iPod,mp3, CD Player, etc… The circuit works as a Single Transistor Amplifier. It works best with songs with a lot of bass. Works well even with House Current! The transistor can almost be any NPN transistor, as long as the relay doesn’t …

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